Resetting cPanel account passwords
If you or your customer have forgotten a cPanel account's password, or you'd simply like to reset a cPanel account password for security reasons, this article will show you how.
Reset cPanel Account Passwords from cPanel Account
Very easy
Login to the cPanel interface as the desired user. (
https:<yourserversip>:2083 -
In the top right hand corner, you'll see the cPanel account user's name with a drop down. Select the drop down box.
You'll see a 'Change Password' option, select that.
You'll now be presented with the Change Password page, prompting you for your old/current password and the new passwords.
After providing the old/current password, either provide the new password you wish to change it to, or click the [ Password Generator ] button.
Once both Password fields confrim a match with the green check icons, proceed by clicking the [ Change your password now! ] button.
Reset cPanel Account Passwords from WHM
Login to to your WHM Panel as the root user. ( http:<yourserversip>:2086 or https:<yourserversip>:2087 )
Navigate to the Home » Account Functions » Password Modification panel.
Select the desired cPanel domain / user.
Under the 'Password Entry' form, either provide the new password you wish to change it to, or click the [ Password Generator ] button.
Once both Password fields confrim a match with the green check icons, proceed by clicking the [ Change Password ] button.
You will be forwarded to a page confirming the Password Modification completed.
Reset cPanel Account Passwords from Command Line
Log into your server via SSH Terminal as the root user.
ssh root@<yourserversip> -p 2200
You'll need to enable the allow password change option, by exporting it. Type or copy and paste the following command:
Then run the cPanel chpass script with the cPanel account name and new password:
/scripts/chpass khtechs newpassword
khtechs is the cPanel account name and newpassword is the new password being assigned. Remember to use a secure, randomly generated password.
You'll see a 'warning' and confirmation of the password change.
warn [realchpass] Insecure passing of password on ARGV. Password for “khtechs” has been changed.