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Resetting cPanel account passwords

If you or your customer have forgotten a cPanel account's password, or you'd simply like to reset a cPanel account password for security reasons, this article will show you how.

Reset cPanel Account Passwords from cPanel Account


Very easy
Very easy 

  1. Login to the cPanel interface as the desired user. ( http:<yourserversip>:2082 or https:<yourserversip>:2083 )
  2. In the top right hand corner, you'll see the cPanel account user's name with a drop down. Select the drop down box.
  3. You'll see a 'Change Password' option, select that.
  4. You'll now be presented with the Change Password page, prompting you for your old/current password and the new passwords.
  5. After providing the old/current password, either provide the new password you wish to change it to, or click the [ Password Generator ] button.
  6. Once both Password fields confrim a match with the green check icons, proceed by clicking the [ Change your password now! ] button.

Reset cPanel Account Passwords from WHM




  1. Login to to your WHM Panel as the root user. ( http:<yourserversip>:2086 or https:<yourserversip>:2087 )
  2. Navigate to the Home » Account Functions » Password Modification panel.
  3. Select the desired cPanel domain / user.
  4. Under the 'Password Entry' form, either provide the new password you wish to change it to, or click the [ Password Generator ] button.
  5. Once both Password fields confrim a match with the green check icons, proceed by clicking the [ Change Password ] button.
  6. You will be forwarded to a page confirming the Password Modification completed.

Reset cPanel Account Passwords from Command Line




  1. Log into your server via SSH Terminal as the root user.
    • ssh root@<yourserversip> -p 2200
  2. You'll need to enable the allow password change option, by exporting it. Type or copy and paste the following command:
  3. Then run the cPanel chpass script with the cPanel account name and new password:
    • /scripts/chpass khtechs newpassword
    • khtechs is the cPanel account name and newpassword is the new password being assigned. Remember to use a secure, randomly generated password.
  4. You'll see a 'warning' and confirmation of the password change.
    • warn [realchpass] Insecure passing of password on ARGV.
      Password for “khtechs” has been changed.


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