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domain Promos

Secure your name and brand on the internet today

The perfect name lets potential customers know at a glance why you’re online (and why you’re awesome)

Why securing your name on the internet is a smart move right now

Brand Protection

Securing your domain name prevents competitors or other entities from registering it. This protects your brand identity and ensures that customers looking for your business online won’t be misled by other websites using a similar name.

Future Readiness

By registering your domain name early, you position your business for future growth. When you’re ready to build your website, you’ll already have the perfect domain name that aligns with your brand, saving time and avoiding the hassle of finding an available domain later.

Online Presence Placeholder

Even without a full website, you can use your domain to create a simple landing page. This page can provide basic information about your business, contact details, and an announcement that a full website is coming soon. It helps establish an online presence and keeps potential customers informed.

Email Branding

Owning a domain allows you to set up professional email addresses (e.g., This enhances your business’s credibility and professionalism in communications with customers, partners, and suppliers, even if you don’t have a website yet.

Search Engine Preparation

Securing a domain name early helps in the long-term process of search engine optimization (SEO). Older domains can have an advantage in search rankings. By securing and parking your domain, you start building its age, which can be beneficial when you eventually develop and optimize your website.

Investment and Cost Savings

Domain names are relatively inexpensive to register, especially compared to the potential cost and effort of trying to acquire a domain that’s already been taken. Registering your domain now can save you from having to purchase it at a higher price from someone else in the future.

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Hear from happy customers

Solly Motsoane

Solly Motsoane

Founder & CEO of Mogen Pty Ltd

SiveHost ahead of time - SiveHost is usually a step ahead and are mostly aware of issues ahead of time. There are some cases when I had to wait for response but that's not something to hold against them. They are good at what they do.

Kumra JP tau

Kumra JP tau


Small but excellent. They are so good as service provider I some times forget about them because everything works.

Mr Mahlangu

Cyril Mahlangu

Founder & CEO of Asterism Risk Managers

I sincerely appreciate the quality of service, responsiveness and patience even when we were difficult. It is a pleasure to work with people who know what efficiency means. Thank you S’bu and SiveICT.

Our clients love what we do

"Since I have been with SiveHost I have always gotten very helpful service, and If I've ever had any issues, brought it up, chatted to them on the phone and they were able to sort it out for me." - Lee-ann Duarte

Shephard Mpulwane

So there is nothing much to improve, I am really happy with your guys' service, so if you would just keep it up. Keep up the support, because you are really supportive. And also, I love the amazing affordable prices, so yeah, there is nothing much that I can say you guys can improve.

Lee-ann Duarte

I'm very very happy, we'll continue using SiveHost and I wish them the very best for the future. May many many many South African Businesses, in fact all of the South African businesses choose them as their business partner and grow together as a South African nation. Thank you so much 😊
Orange Door Digital

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