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What is the Best Coupon Code for Me? Print

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What is the Best Coupon Code for Me?

We have several coupon codes you can use towards your web hosting order. These coupons apply to the web hosting portion of your order, and are not applied towards any other services, like domain registration.


Coupon Code for Current Promotion: sive all


StartUp, GoBig and GoHuge Coupons

You can use our current coupon code while placing your order.

The 1% off coupon can be used by new and existing customers. It only applies to new orders, and only includes the months of hosting (not domain registrations) that are part of your initial order. If you sign up for more than one month on any of our hosting plans, we do discount all of the months.


Alternate Coupon: sive1


We have a second coupon code called 'sive1'. The sive1 coupon overrides your first month payment to R1 off any new monthly StartUp plan hosting purchase by a new customer. Use this for any initial monthly StartUp order for R10 (new customers only, one-time use).  If your web hosting order totals more than R10 per month, then the sive all coupon gives you a better discount.


So, I can get StartUp hosting for a Rand?

Yes, you can use the sive1 coupon to get the first month of StartUp hosting for only a Rand. We want you to try our StartUp hosting with no risk. You still get the 45-day money-back guarantee on your R1.

So, can I get StartUp for free if I choose the cheaper payment option?

No, to get the annual or semi-annual discounted rates, you would need to pay in advance, so the signup price will not be less than R10.

So, can I get StartUp for free?

No, the coupon will override your first month's pay to R1 on your StartUp plan, so the first month costs a Rand.  This is because we have a minimum charge to setup your account, which is R1 (one South African Rand).


Other Coupons

Any other coupon codes may simply be duplicates of our sive all, 1% off coupon. They may also be coupons that are not available to the public. These types of coupons may be part of marketing campaigns where we are tracking the results.  As such, giving out these coupon codes would skew the results and defeat the purpose of having multiple coupon codes.

Ticket system and chat agents do not have any other coupon codes, and would not be able to provide you with any coupons that are not listed on this page.

Important Notes:

  • Coupons can only be used on your initial order (a new order). You cannot use a coupon for renewals.
  • Coupons only apply to web hosting, and cannot be applied towards domain registration or other services.
  • Minimum charge is R1 (one Rand) on new orders, even with a coupon.

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