Android and iOS S3 Apps Print

  • S3 mobile client, S3 Client, Storage, S3, backup, Backup
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There are several free mobile apps for managing S3-compatible storage on Android and iOS.

Here are some options:

For Android

  1. S3Drive: Cloud Storage: Get it here:

    • Supports various cloud storage providers, including S3-compatible services.

    • Allows you to manage files and folders, upload/download data.

  2. Simple S3 Browser: Get it here:

    • Specifically designed for managing Sive.Host S3 and S3-compatible storage.

    • Provides features for viewing, uploading, and managing files.

  3. RCX Rclone (with Termux): Get it here:

    • While Rclone itself is a command-line tool, you can use it with Termux (a terminal emulator for Android) to manage S3-compatible storage.

    • Provides extensive functionality through the command line.

  4. Bucket Anywhere for S3: Get it here:

    • Manage S3-compatible storage.

For iOS

  1. AWS S3 Manager: Get it here: 

    • An app designed for managing Sive.Host S3 and S3-compatible storage.

    • View images, documents, and play videos and audio files, Download files to your Photo library and to the Files app.

  2. S3 Explorer: Get it here:

    • Browse your Sive.Host S3 cloud storage. Preview and share your files and images.

    • Play compatible media files from cloud, no downloads.

  3. S3 Files - Bucket Storage: Get it here:

    • Access your S3 storage from the Files app, Finder & other apps on your iPhone, iPad or Mac with this tool

    • Files and directories can be uploaded from the system share sheet or the Services menu on Mac

General Tips

  • Check App Compatibility: Make sure the app supports S3-compatible endpoints.

  • Security: Ensure the app handles your credentials securely and supports HTTPS for secure communication with the S3 service.

  • Features: Look for features that match your needs, such as file upload/download, folder management, and permissions handling.

  • Large files EndPoint:

  • General files and generally compatible SSL security certificate EndPoint:

These apps should help you manage your Sive.Host S3 storage from your mobile device effectively. No more lost photos or videos!


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