S3 Browser Print

  • Non Linux S3 client, S3 Client, Storage, S3
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S3 Browser is a popular graphical tool for managing S3-compatible storage. It is primarily used for interacting with S3 storage services, such as Sive.Host S3.

However, S3 Browser itself does not provide direct support for managing users, as it's mainly focused on managing objects and buckets.

Using S3 Browser

Get it from https://s3browser.com/

Here’s how you can use S3 Browser to interact with your Sive.Host S3:

  1. Setup S3 Browser for Sive.Host S3

    • Open S3 Browser and go to the "Add New Account" or "Add New S3 Connection" option.

    • Choose your Account type: S3 Compatible Storage

    • Enter your Sive.Host S3 REST endpoint URL : https://s3.sive.host

    • Enter your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key: (these are the credentials for an existing user with permissions to interact with your S3 buckets received from Sive.Host).

    • Click "Add new account" to save the configuration.

  1. Managing Buckets and Objects

    • Create Buckets: Use the interface to create new buckets.

    • Upload/Download Files: Use drag-and-drop or the upload/download features to manage your files.

    • Delete Buckets/Files: Select and delete as needed.

User Management with S3 Browser

While S3 Browser does not manage users directly, you can use it to interact with objects and buckets created by users. User management must be done using the tools provided by the storage system:


  • Large files EndPointhttps://s3.sive.host

  • General files and generally compatible SSL security certificate EndPoint: https://s4.sive.host

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