MinIO S3 Client Print

  • S3, S3 Client, Storage, Backup, ceph
  • 1

The mc (MinIO S3 Client) tool is a modern alternative to s3cmd for interacting with S3-compatible storage, including Sive.Host S3.

You can configure mc to use your custom Sive.Host S3 endpoint ( or and perform various operations such as creating buckets, uploading files, and managing users.

Step-by-Step Guide to Configure mc

  1. Install mc

    On Linux:

    sudo wget 
    sudo chmod +x mc
    sudo mv mc /usr/local/bin/

    On macOS:

    brew install minio/stable/mc
  2. Configure mc

    Add your Sive.Host S3 endpoint as an alias in mc. Replace <access-key><secret-key>, and with your specific details:

    mc alias set madiba-s3 <access-key> <secret-key> --api S3v4
  3. Verify Configuration

    Check if the configuration is correct by listing buckets:

    mc ls madiba-s3

Example Commands

  1. List Buckets

    mc ls madiba-s3
  2. Create a Bucket

    mc mb madiba-s3/your-bucket-name
  3. Upload a File to a Bucket

    mc cp your-file.txt madiba-s3/your-bucket-name/
  4. Download a File from a Bucket

    mc cp madiba-s3/your-bucket-name/your-file.txt .
  5. List Files in a Bucket

    mc ls madiba-s3/your-bucket-name
  6. Remove a File from a Bucket

    mc rm madiba-s3/your-bucket-name/your-file.txt

Full Example

  1. Install mc

    sudo wget 
    sudo chmod +x mc
    sudo mv mc /usr/local/bin/
  2. Configure mc

    mc alias set umlando-s3 <access-key> <secret-key> --api S3v4
  3. List Buckets

    mc ls umlando-s3
  4. Create a Bucket

    mc mb umlando-s3/your-bucket-name
  5. Upload a File to a Bucket

    mc cp your-file.txt umlando-s3/your-bucket-name/
  6. Download a File from a Bucket

    mc cp umlando-s3/your-bucket-name/your-file.txt .

By using mc, you can easily manage your Sive.Host S3 storage with a modern, user-friendly command-line interface.


  • Large files EndPoint

  • General files and generally compatible SSL security certificate EndPoint:

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